Working at Elma
As a family business, Elma is characterized by strong partnership ties with customers, partners, suppliers and our employees. In the tradition and style of a family business, we are committed to sustainable action as the basis of our long-term success.
Challenging tasks.
Qualified, motivated and loyal employees are our greatest asset and the driving forces behind Elma's innovative strength and competitiveness. Due to the diverse business areas of our globally active company, we offer our employees a wide range of fascinating and challenging tasks. Professionally, competently and with a lot of know-how, we work together on the successful future of Elma.
Successful as a team.
In order to successfully meet the challenges of global competition in the future, we place particular emphasis on teamwork. For us, trust, curiosity, cohesion and determination are the key to innovative and creative solutions for our customers. This idea is reflected in our leadership culture and cooperation.
Lifelong learning.
As an attractive employer, we at Elma value and promote the achievements of our employees. We support our employees with a wide range of training opportunities so that they can develop and expand their strengths. On their personal career path with technical and management competence, our employees take on responsible activities and challenging tasks.
We take responsibility.
We create fair working conditions with a work-life balance and thus focus on long-term employment relationships. As a family-owned company, we thus assume responsibility not only towards our employees and customers, but also towards society. Social responsibility is fundamental to successful entrepreneurial action at Elma and includes our commitment to environmentally conscious and sustainable business practices.
Family and career.
The compatibility of work and family is of fundamental importance to Elma, because only those who can reconcile the two are motivated and successful. Creating a work-life balance is therefore an integral part of our HR policy. Through flexible working time models ranging from part-time to home office models, we aim to offer our employees an attractive workplace that flexibly adapts to their life situation.
Sport and health.
Sport and fitness are the cornerstones of a long and healthy life and provide an essential balance to everyday working life. With ergonomically adapted office furniture and a wide range of sports programs, we systematically support and promote the health of our employees. The range of our company sports courses includes exercise training, yoga, special fascia training, compensatory gymnastics and relaxation training. To also promote the performance and health of our employees, we offer in-house advice from a company doctor, health checks, and nutrition and prevention courses. As a member of Hansefit, our Elma employees have the opportunity to use fitness studios and many wellness facilities throughout Germany at low cost.
Varied food.
In the modern Elma Cantina, the in-house chef cooks fresh and varied dishes every day. In a modern ambience the Elmaner enjoy the lunch time, in nice weather also on the terrace and the good coffee with good conversation rounds off the lunch break accordingly.
Individuelle Altersvorsorge.
Elma unterstützt ihre Mitarbeiter nicht nur in der Zukunftsplanung, sondern auch in der finanziellen Absicherung des eigenen Ruhestands. Aufgrund der Umkehrung der Alterspyramide, die mit steigenden Lebenserwartungen und sinkender Geburtenrate einhergeht, wird es zu einer Reduzierung des Versorgungsniveaus der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung kommen. Um diese finanzielle Versorgungslücke im Alter aufzufüllen, bieten wir ein individuell auf den Mitarbeiter zugeschnittenes Vorsorgepaket.