General Terms and Conditions


General Terms and Conditions of Purchase

Purchasing conditions are the basis of your cooperation with the Elma purchasing department.
In addition, you will find our Code of Conduct for Suppliers and our Safety Regulations below.


Code of Conduct for Suppliers

Our suppliers are selected and evaluated beyond economic criteria. In addition to economic criteria, environmental protection, compliance with human rights, labour and social standards as well as anti-discrimination and anti-corruption requirements are also relevant for us.


Sicherheitshinweise für Besucher

At Elma, the safety of visitors and employees is a top priority.
In your interest as well as ours, we ask you to read and observe the following information.


General Terms of Domestic Delivery

The General Terms and Conditions of Domestic Delivery are specially tailored to the requirements of our German customers.
For the supply of medical devices, please note the Special Conditions for Medical Devices according to MDR (EU) 2017/745 below.


General Terms and Conditions of Export

General Terms and Conditions of Delivery for Elma customers outside Germany.
For the supply of medical devices, please note the Special Conditions for Medical Devices according to MDR (EU) 2017/745 below.


Special terms and conditions for medical devices

For the domestic supply or export of medical devices, supplementary regulations apply in accordance with MDR (EU) 2017/745.
Please also observe the regulations for medical devices applicable in your country.