Born out of curiosity...

...the Elma Super Elite

It was Hans Schmidbauer's inexhaustible curiosity and drive for continuous improvement that gave rise to a product in the late 1940s that changed the watch industry forever - the Elma Super Elite.

Elma, Elma75, Elma 75 Jahre, Elma 75 years, Uhrenreinigung, Uhrwerkreinigung, watch cleaning, SuperElite

Elma 75 Jahre - Elma 75 years

The trained watchmaker Hans Schmidbauer was a curious tinkerer who was never satisfied with the status quo. Cleaning filigree watch parts was always a great challenge. Carefully, they had to be cleaned in a time-consuming manner with brushes and cleaning chemicals.

This problem gave rise to the Elma Super Elite. From then on, the world's first watch cleaning machine started its successful journey with watchmakers around the world. And so it was the logical step to also found a company - the Maschinenfabrik für Elektrische Maschinen (Elma).

The cleaning principle of "cleaning, rinsing and drying" is still used today in industrial cleaning, where ultrasonic technology has become established. And so today Elma is in a position to cover the entire product spectrum, from small ultrasonic units to large industrial, modular and fully automated cleaning systems. The company's own cleaning chemicals and a process laboratory round off the portfolio accordingly.

Learn more about our products and cleaning systems.